Why do I wake up at 5:30 AM every day?

Ninad Sonawane
3 min readJul 23, 2022

My alarm goes like, “Beep Beep Beep,” and it grows louder and louder every 15 seconds at 5:30 a.m., every day. When I first started waking up early, it was a struggle, but now it’s a breeze. I had the impression previously that this was a torcher. It’s hard to leave the comfort of your cosy blanket. Then, is it so necessary to wake you early? Hell yeah! Let’s find out why!

I believe that “nothing great can be achieved without self discipline”. And waking up early is fundamental to developing a strong sense of self-discipline, self-control and willpower. Early rising is a sign of self discipline, whether it’s a Sunday or any other day. To achieve your goals, you’ll need self-control and self-discipline. It boosts your confidence. And, as you train, your self discipline becomes stronger. I know, you must be thinking, “We know that Ninad!” But how to actually build that habit? And the answer is one simple word “purpose”. Mark Zukerberg famously said, “Purpose is that feeling that you are part of something bigger than yourself, that you are needed, and that you have something better ahead to work for.” You can build self-discipline by waking up early with a firm purpose in mind. This habit will stay forever. You can’t even imagine what you can do with self-discipline and a solid purpose, while motivation lasts for just a few days. And, although I understand that it might be tough at times, keep in mind that the first 15 minutes are critical for waking up early. When my alarm beeps at 5:30 AM and I’d rather stay in bed, I somehow push myself to get up and wash my face. Yeah, this is it. That’s the most important and difficult part.

Time is the most valuable asset for all of us. I see everyone complaining that they don’t have time, not even for themselves. I find that false. The manner in which you decide to spend your day is entirely up to you. And, getting up early also helps you get those extra hours. Even if you wake up at 5:30 AM every day, it gives you 1.5 hours more than others. It becomes 10.5 a week, which is approx. half a day. Later, it becomes 46.5 hours a month and 547.5 hours a year. Imagine getting approximately 23 days more than other people every year! This time can be filled with anything and it will show significant results in the long run.

To be honest, I was never able to pay attention for more than 15 minutes at a time in college (you know, boring theory classes). I’ve never heard of the technical terms that these elderly college professors keep ranting about. Even keeping my head straight up was hard. Ugh! At least once in our lives, we have all been in this situation. However, once I began rising before the sun, my entire life shifted. Every day, I wake up with boundless enthusiasm. Trust me, you’ll be proud of yourselves.

It’s also crucial to get enough sleep each night, so an early bedtime is essential. If you can’t get a decent night’s rest, getting up early will be a miserable experience. Get to bed and rise early. It’s a game-changer, for sure. This habit will kill your laziness.

Early morning, your focus will be at peak. Absolutely no one to bother you. You can do wonders!

Get up early and tell me how you’re feeling.

Thanks. Bye!



Ninad Sonawane

I work as Junior Blockchain Developer. I write about blockchain, my travel stories, learnings, tips to be productive, startups, about Bangalore and much more.